The political climate has turned good friends into hated enemies of late. Especially on social media. This grand idea of changing people’s minds about their beliefs  – because that’s so likely 😉 – may, at some point, die down. Or not, but some of you may need to take a breather.So what to do if you have spent months only posting political points of view, and aren’t sure how to even connect otherwise with anyone? It can be like learning to walk again after a crippling accident. Or me learning to drink again after 8 years of pregnancy and nursing. (Don’t worry, I found my way.) I didn’t want to see anybody going through that struggle, so I thought maybe I could be of assistance. Get your soap boxes ready. And, GO!
This may not be a new argument to some of you, but I feel it has been pushed to the side lately. It deserves a little more attention again. Just start your post with “I’m a Steelers’ fan.” The rest will work itself out.
Which is it? If I cut out the fat, then I can’t put butter on my veggies, so however will I eat them? You just want me to die. Low carb? You’ve lost your $@#*ing mind! How will I sop up the gravy without a big hearty biscuit? This whole thing is as ridiculous as calories in vs. calories out. Wait . Maybe that one isn’t supposed to be a one or the other. Oh, it might be both at the same time. No wonder I’m fat. I’ll worry about that while you all attack each others eating habits. Let me tell you, if you want to make and keep friends, say things like, “Are you going to eat THAT?”
I’m just going to call you out and say you’re un-American if you can’t argue about this. Cable is so expensive, and then it comes at you, dancing around in its underwear offering you packages. Of course, Dish goes out when it rains, so there’s that.
We’ve been talking about crazy cat ladies for years. Crazy dog people are finally finding their voice. There are so many pros and cons to consider. I mean, dogs drag their butts on the carpet! Then again, so do my kids. Cats go potty inside the house, but often miss their target. Oh, now I’m seeing it. If you can deal with your kids you can probably deal with either one. Just argue about which looks more ridiculous dressed up in clothes.
Of course, I’m talking about Batman’s cape. I’ve seen people almost THROW DOWN in a discussion about Michael Keaton vs. Christian Bale. Â Get that one started again. It’s never boring. Or non-geeky.
There it is. A list of topics you can argue about with your social media audience until everyone unfriends you. You’re welcome.
If you have any real, serious topics like the ones above to add to the list, leave them below!
Click HERE to go to the home page and see all of my categories. Something for everybody. 😉Â
I love it!!! hahahahah!
You could add who sang it better ?
That’s a great one! My husband likes to start arguments about that, even if he’s the only one in the room!
I love this. I feel like every time I see my dad and that side of my family he wants to talk/argue politics. I have had to change the subject on more than one occasion.
Well, now you have a list of alternatives that make absolute sense. 😉
“Crazy dog people are finally finding their voice”… hahaha. These are all very good things to argue about! haha Love this post. 🙂
Thanks! I figure sometimes we have to keep it light. I get tired of all the arguing at gatherings. I usually find that if you bring up something that makes you sound bat s@#$ crazy, people walk away and leave you alone. 🙂
Oh man, I’m so tired of political arguments! I have unfollowed so many people on Facebook!
I found it very interesting to see the friends I had that never posted anything until recently. Now all they have are political arguments with people. I had to unfollow a couple because I wanted to remember them as the person I had a blast with in high school, not Judgy McJudgerton!
I agree-there’s enough to argue about without it being politics
Haha. I can always appreciate a good argument. These are great topics to start.
Right? I think you just can’t lose with these! Unless you like the Steelers. 🙂
This is such a fun post. My favorite is the last – who wore it best!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
I’ve had a lot of fun with that one in the right crowd!
me and my bestie argue about dogs vs cats all the time. she is the crazy cat lady and I am the person that wants to rescue every doggie from the pound lol.
I’m totally the crazy dog lady (and yes, I dream of winning the lottery and opening up a farm where all rescued doggies can go!). I like cats. To visit with. 🙂